Friday, March 4, 2016

New Treatment for my Asthma

Warning!! This post has TMI  You were warned.
Recently I went back to the doctors for a new medicine to help manage my asthma. I loved how Advair helped kick my attacks out of my life.  The problem was the random bleeding.

There were times that in the middle of my cycle with no reason to bleed I would have horrible bleeding during sex.  Talk about a mood ruining freak out moment.  Kinda kills your sex life when you fear bleeding horrifically in the middle of it.

I ended up telling my doctor this during what is called a group visit.  You and 10 other people sit in a room and the doctor rolls around doing simple stuff. Things like referrals, Doctor notes, medications.  It's was great not having to put the horrible paper gown on. I felt like I got more care during this appointment than one where they have made me strip down and sit in a room alone.

Back to my new medicine.  I am now on Singulair and Qvar. Oh boy!  The Singulair leaves me sluggish and loopy for a few hours. It usually takes me about 6 hours to feel human again. I can deal with that side effect and adjust my time I take it. My asthma is improving!! My first night in months not waking up in the middle of the night with an asthma attack was the very first night I took it.

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