Saturday, March 5, 2011

Moving Madness

All the excitement of our new place hasn't even started to wear off but instead is being overshadowed by this unpleasant feeling of "ugh, yet another box to unpack" I wish I could just wiggle my nose and everything would magically fly to it's place in our new home.  Tabitha I am not so back to the tedious task of unpacking by hand.

Don't get me wrong I am still in love with our new much larger home.  Actually everyone in the family is.  Nadia says "This is the best day ever!" she has said this at least 3-4 times a day since we moved in.  The oldest girls are in love with their new school.  Daddy is loving his commute to work. (it's about the same distance but might as well be miles different with the huge difference in terrain) Cooking in my kitchen is no longer a chore, but enjoyable again.  (I still haven't rolled out some dough on the counters though) Mezmo our parrot loves the layout of the downstairs.  He now has much more room to fly through.  Even my house plants are loving it here.  In just the few days since we have moved in they have all had an explosion of new growth.  (It's all the natural light and great airflow in this house)

The only thing that was lost in sacrifice to the moving gods was my large glass bowl.  My kids broke it the night before our move. It was my go to bowl for everything.  The perfect size for whipping up cakes, mixing ingredients for dinner, or preparing snack chow.   My husband doesn't think it was such a bad loss.  He believes I have too much kitchen stuff anyway.   I had to put it this way for him.  "You never complain about what comes out of my kitchen, so don't complain what I put into it."

The worst part of moving is the packing.  As your wrap up all your favorite treasures and hope that you will see it whole again on the other end of the move.  All  the things you keep hidden away from little hands are now out in the open.  All the small decorative things that has survived having children only because it has stayed far out of their reach.  I definitely prefer unpacking everything to packing it all up.  There is just something about having to unpack everything and still manage day to day living with 4 kids that makes it a daunting task.  I am more grateful than ever for my laptop, because the desktop computer is still sitting in a box under my dining room table.

Am I the only one that feels that cardboard boxes suck the life right out of your skin.  My hands have never been as dry as they are after handling the boxes.  Thank goodness most my stuff is packed into plastic storage tubs.  I have to take a break more often then not because my hands are becoming so dry and sore rather than my aching back.  I can't wait to see the last of the cardboard boxes.

We are still waiting to get the mailbox key.  I had to take my lease to my local post office.  After checking the USPS website I was sent to the wrong post office.  Instead of the 2 offices that are within 2 miles of my home I had to go to a newer office over 5 miles away.  (the new office isn't even on the USPS website) It's rather annoying to have to go to the post office to request my key then find out that they only key the boxes once a week and I would have to wait until the following Thursday to return to this same Post office and pick my key up.  After the hoops they had me jumping thru I was fully expecting them to tell me they were going to mail me my key.  It's no wonder the post office is threatened with massive cutbacks with this being the standard of service they provide.

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