Sunday, August 5, 2012

K-5 Learning Review and Blogging Opportunity

With all 5 of my kids off for Summer break I was very grateful for the chance to review K-5 Learning.  The oldest two have been using Summer to read through the Hunger Games.  That leaves the 6 yr old in need of something educational to do.  No TV Zombies allowed in this house.

K5 Learning to the rescue!!  

K5 Learning is an online reading and math program for children kindergarten through 5th grade.  This program is designed to be used at anytime from after-school, on the weekend, during the summertime to prevent summer brain drain or along side your homeschooling program. The early years are the key to your child's academics.  Numerous studies have shown that children who do not excel in school by grade 3 are unlikely to excel later in school.

K5 Learning is designed to be a practical tool for busy families and it was perfect for my crazy family.  Within the program there is a strong emphasis based on education not on games and entertainment.  (not that it isn't fun.. my daughter had a blast and begged to "play" K5 every chance.)   It was so easy to use even your 4 or 5 year old could work independently and at their own pace. (my 2 year old was begging and pleading.) With no downloads and 24/7 availability your child can access it anytime.   There are no external links, advertisements or chat to keep your child's experience a safe one.

When your child starts the K5 the Math and Reading lessons are set by grade level default.  To get the most of your experience it is highly recommended to take the online assessment in eight key math and reading skills.  The data collected from the assessment is then used to customize the learning program to suit your child's skill individual skill set.  There are over 3,000 online multimedia activities that are personalized to your child based on their assessment . No more worries that they aren't getting the lesson you select for them.  The free online assessment helps to place your child at their appropriate skill level.  My daughter was very strong in geometry but needed more work in phonics.  Due to all lessons being catered to her skill level she was never bored from it being to easy or frustrated during a lesson that was too hard.

K5 Math is an award winning math program with over 1,200 research based online tutorials and activities.  My daughter loved that the lesson used animated character in real world scenarios.  It helped to build a connection between math and her own personal experiences.  I was surprised to find out that my recent kindergarten graduate was actually at a 2nd grade math level.

K5 Math Facts helps your student develop instant recall of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts.  Did you know that the average 5th grader only knows 32% of their multiplication tables!  Instead of learning higher order math skills those students that don't know their math facts will spend their time on basic computations.  Math Fact Matrix displays your student's progress on every single math facts.  Mastery is obtained when the whole matrix is green.  (great visual of accomplishment for your child to see) You can even adjust the time needed to enter the answer for those that are not as quick with the keys.  My daughter enjoyed watching the matrix fill out with each pass through her facts.

K5 Reading program is comprised of over 1,500 online tutorials and activities.  This award winning program is based on the instructional guidelines of the National Reading Panel as well as the best practices employed by teachers and reading specialists.  The K5 Reading program is in use by thousands of US students from kindergarten to grade 5 covering 5 key curriculum skill areas: phonemic awareness, phonics, sight words, vocabulary and reading comprehension.
The reading lessons are all interactive and animated with fun "role model" characters.  With each lesson broken into multiple 5 minute segments with an interactive tutorial, one or more practice segments and finally a quiz.  These short study sessions keep the learning fast and fun.  My daughter's reading went from a subject she struggled with and hated to a something she would beg to do more of.

K5 Spelling helps improve your child's language skills one word at a time.  With immediate feedback on each word spelled.  Correct spelling receives applause and misspellings receive hints on the way to correct their mistake.  You child will always spell the word correctly before moving to the next.  There is automatic word generation (from their 150,000 word database) based on your child's grade level, past quizzes and specific goals.  Any words that were in the past they are repeated in future quizzes until spelled correctly multiple times. Unlike many websites K5 never displays a misspelled word to help imprint the proper spelling in their mind.  Multiple clues to a word are given to help your child absorb the full meaning of the word before trying to spell it, from sound files, sample sentences, definitions and pictures.

It's not just about kid's learning there are great features for parents as well like the online progress reports and ability to set assignments for your child.  Parents can access many online progress reports, quiz results, spelling words learned and progress made on math facts.  Stay up to date on your child's progress and you can watch them excel. As a parent you can also choose from any of the K5 reading and math lessons to assign to your child, as well as spelling words to be studied.  The assignment feature really helped boost my daughter's phonics, which she was struggling with initially because it is no longer taught in our local school district.  I was able to assign more core lessons in phonics

K5 is available on a subscription basis for $199/year or $25/month with great discounts for siblings. Your subscription includes free assessments and unlimited use in each of the four K5 learning programs. You can also get a 14 day free trial!
Contact K5 yourself and get your child on the path to excel.


Online reading and math enrichment program for kids - | K5 Learning  Let them know I sent you!

I was given the opportunity to review this learning program free of charge for a 6 week free trial for my honest review about our experience with this learning program.   

If you are blogger, you may want to contact K5 Learning open invitation to begin your own review opportunity.

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