Sunday, October 31, 2010

Toasted Pumpkin seeds

Toasted Pumpkin Seeds are a Favorite Fall treat in our house

This is the method I use every year to toast our pumpkin seeds that come from the carnage of carving our Jack o lanterns. If you have ever carved 5 pumpkins at one time you would completely understand the carnage comment. We seriously had a mound of pumpkin innards over a foot tall. These seeds rarely make it into November. (even with hiding them.) I make different flavors but they all start out the same.

Toasted Pumpkin Seeds


  • Clean pumpkin seeds (no pumpkin innards just seeds)
  • Vegetable Oil or Olive Oil (any cooking oil works)
  • Choice of seasoning (my family prefers cinnamon and sugar)


  1. Pre-heat oven to 400°
  2. Toss seeds in oil to even coat. (It prevents them from drying out too much and will help the flavor coating stick better.)
  3. Cook for 10 minutes and remove from oven. Checking to make sure they are not browning. You only want them to start turning golden brown.
  4. In a bowl place your seasoning. Toss your seeds in the bowl to evenly coat in seasoning.
  5. Place seeds back into the oven for 5-8 more minutes. Watching closely so they do not over brown.


Cinnamon and sugar ~ 1 cup sugar and 1TB cinnamon

Spicy~ Toss seeds in your favorite hot sauce

Salty ~ Crack sea salt on the seeds before baking the second time. Sea salt tastes better to me than table salt on seeds, but you can use table salt.

I still have another batch of seeds to make. Any suggestions on a flavor to try?

Everyone have a safe and Happy Halloween.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


I've been a bad blogger lately, I have been so busy with life that I didn't have the mental capacity at the end of the day to come up with coherent thoughts.  I've been waking up in time to walk my oldest girls to school for their early morning instrument ensemble and then having trouble falling asleep at night.  With being a stay at home mom I still feel like there is never enough hours in a day.  (even with insomnia)  I keep trying to remind myself that Halloween is just the warm-up act for the insanity that is the Holiday season.  I can't lose my grip on my sanity just yet.  There are still a few more months to go before we are safely through the season.

My husband has taken a few days off from work and you would think that having him home would make things easier. I have found it isn't true at all.  It may just be me but I can't seem to get that much of my housework done with him home.  We end up sitting around watching tv or joking around.  Not a bad alternative but my house needs serious cleaning daily with four kids, 2 adults, a parrot and two hamsters living in it.

To help make cleaning easier I use the basket method.  When cleaning my front room I take a small laundry basket and put everything in it that does not belong in that room. Tidying everything up as I clean.  When I get everything picked up in the room I put away all the items from the basket and then continue with another room.  I love using small laundry baskets to clean but laundry is one of my least favorite household chores to do.

I love small laundry baskets.  Everyone in my house has one with their name on them.  When doing laundry I gather the baskets I place the laundry in each basket as I fold.  Then I have my children put their laundry away.  Even my four-year old tornado puts away her laundry.  Sometimes it inspires her to have a full-blown outfit change, but it's one less basket of laundry I have to contend with.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Clicker Training Hamsters

Campbell's dwarf hamster

I am a sucker for animals that need a home. Our African Grey parrot Mezmo is a rescue bird. (He came to us just last December) Mezmo had some behavior problems but after serious clicker training he has changed drastically. It took some work with great guidance from a set of Bird Tricks DVD's I purchased. My only regret was not buying the DVD's sooner.

My youngest sister is moving out-of-state soon and I guess her friend thought it would be the perfect chance to pawn some angry hamsters off on someone. (someone she may never see ever again.) After accepting them my sister realized that there was no way she could take the hamsters on the long move.

In turn our family recently acquired 2 dwarf hamsters with cage and supplies, from my little sister. They are two girl Dwarf hamsters, one is white with pink eyes and the other looks just like the picture. Her friend's kids had stopped handling them as often as they should due to other newer pets in the house, which was why their mom got rid of them. The hamsters are not very well socialized and they will bite. They are very aggressive when treats are given. I think they had also been teased. We are going to try to do clicker training with them. Clicker training is a great trust building activity. It has worked very well with our parrot.

I learned what I know about clicker training from the DVD's we purchased from Bird Tricks. After some research on the web I found someone using clicker training for hamsters as well. Rodents being a food reward type animal clicker training the hamsters will be very similar to the bird. I will just use what I learned from the DVD's and adapt the training for small animals and not a bird.

My goal is to get the hamsters to the point that my kid's can hold them without the hamsters attempting to bite them. As a family, we plan to go visit the nearby pet store this weekend and pick out some new accessories for the hamsters' cage. Our oldest two daughters want to name the hamsters as a family this weekend as well.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

White Distilled Vinegar

Did you know word vinegar comes from the french word “vinaigre” meaning sour wine?  Which makes you wonder was vinegar discovered by some happy accident thousands of years ago when a cask of wine spoiled?  During winemaking the natural sugars ferment into alcohol.  Bacteria from exposure to the air changes the alcohol into an acetic acid.  The acetic acid is what gives the “sour wine” its taste.

I've never realized just how many uses around the house for white distilled vinegar .  I could go on forever about vinegar and it's multitude of uses.  Ask my poor husband, he's tolerated my constant vinegar praises.  Instead of a dissertation here are a few household uses that I tried and have worked for me.  I've tried more but these are my favorites.

Toilet Cleaner / Deodorizer

Put 1/4 cup of vinegar into your toilet bowl and let sit for about 20 minutes.  Clean with standard toilet brush.  Not only does it clean the toilet but it prevents the toilet ring from building up as soon.

Burned Water / Scorched Pan

Even I have burned a pan after boiling away water.  (shhh, don't tell my chef friends)  After the incident I was left with a horrible scorching on my pan.  I found that to remove the scorching just add 1/2 cup baking soda and some white vinegar. You will get a bubbling mass just like the old volcano science project as a child.  Let the mixture sit in the pan for a few hours.  Pour out and it will need very little if any scrubbing.


Add 1/2 cup to the wash water before adding clothing.  Vinegar will break down fresh stains.  It will even prevent clothes from getting mildewed if forgotten in the wash too long.

Shower doors

To clean the soap and water buildup on shower doors you can use white vinegar as well. First using the scrub side of a sponge lightly scrub baby oil on the glass shower doors.  Wipe doors with the sponge soaked in vinegar.  Rinse off the doors with clean water.  This will even prevents future buildup.

The biggest complaint most people have with using vinegar is the odor.  The smell when cleaning with vinegar only lasts a few hours before it dissipates.  If you still want to try cleaning with vinegar but the smell is still holding you back here is a recipe for an All-Purpose cleaner using vinegar.  Be sure to add the essential oils and it covers the vinegar odor. (citrus does the best)

All Purpose Vinegar Cleaner

  • 1 cup distilled water
  • 1 cup distilled white vinegar
  • 1/4 teaspoon dishwashing liquid
  • 15 drops or so of essential oil (optional)

Mix all the ingredients in a good quality, clean spray bottle.

Do not use on Marble. Vinegar is acidic and will damage the marble.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Caramel Popcorn Balls

Most the day on Friday I spent busily putting away my overly large collection of kitchen glassware and gadgets into this china hutch I recently received. It used to belong to my sister but she is moving out-of-state so I bought it from her. It needs some new hardware, but that will be an easy fix. I really needed the extra storage. My kitchen storage was bursting at the seams, all due to my addiction for all things cool looking and cooking related.

I'm excited by just how much counter top I freed up by storing my occasional use appliances in the bottom of the hutch. I can't wait to make a Lattice-top Apple pie in my kitchen now. Or maybe some Italian Pastry cookies. Oh, the ideas I have for my kitchen this upcoming holiday season. I even grabbed my rolling-pin and mimed rolling out some dough.

With all the ideas of baking possibilities swirling through my mind it really got me into the spirit of fall so, I made some Popcorn balls for a special treat. They were surprisingly easy to make. More importantly the kids loved them.

Caramel Popcorn Balls

Yields about 6 popcorn balls

2 quarts popped popcorn or 1/3 cup popcorn kernels

1 cup packed brown sugar

1/3 cup water

1/3 cup dark corn syrup

1/4 cup butter (no substitutes)

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  1. Pop the 1/3 cup of popcorn kernels using your preferred method. Put the popcorn in a large bowl and set aside.
  2. In a heavy saucepan, combine the brown sugar, water, corn syrup, butter and salt. Bring mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly.
  3. Continue cooking, without stirring , until a candy thermometer reads 270 degrees F (soft-crack stage).
  4. Remove from the heat; stir in vanilla. Pour over popcorn; stir until the popcorn is evenly coated. When cool enough to handle, quickly shape into balls.
  5. Let cool at room temperature.


This recipe also makes a great popcorn munch. To make this recipe as a popcorn munch reduce the amount of popped popcorn you use and add 1 cup of your favorite nuts. To cool, spread on waxed paper at room temperature. You can also drizzle with melted chocolate.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Boiled Eggs

Boiled Eggs

When boiling eggs and you notice a crack forming in the shell as it cooks, simply pull the egg out of the water with a slotted spoon and throughly coat the crack in salt. Let the salt sit for a minute then add the egg back to the boiling water.  The salt will seal up most cracks that form after cooking has begun.

Or to prevent the cracks in the first place add a few Tablespoons of white vinegar to the water.

When making deviled eggs do not over crowd the pan. Leave room to stir the eggs around while cooking.  If you gently stir the eggs while they cook the yolk with form in the center for an attractive uniform base for the deviled eggs.

When poaching eggs add a Tablespoon of white vinegar to the water and the eggs will stay formed better.  Cook as usual.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fall is here... finally

It's fall according to the calendar but someone hasn't gotten that memo to the weather.

I miss experiencing the changing of the seasons. There is no change of seasons living in Las Vegas, just hot and dry or colder and windy. It has me looking back fondly on the years we lived in Tennessee. I spent hours raking the leaves to the curb for collection by the city that's turned into mulching. Raking was a mindless and repetitive chore, but I loved every second of it. I loved watching as my scenery changed daily, breathing the crisp fresh air, and watching the squirrels hurriedly store their nuts. With all the enjoyment I got out of raking there still was no leaping with wild abandon into piles of leaves for me, the fear of some random creepy creature hidden beneath the crunchy layers restrained me. That very fear of creepy creatures was born from being chased by a snake while mowing the lawn one summer. It was a harmless snake but I still shudder just looking at pictures of snakes.

This will be yet another year when my kids will have to omit portions of their full Halloween costumes due to the oppressive heat. I remember growing up in Utah and having to plan our costumes around whether we could fit our winter coat under it or not. You were no longer just a fairy princess but a fairy princess with a glandular disorder. I recall longing to wear the costume without the extra multiple layers for warmth. Looks like I got my wish, in my usual over active overachiever style. Which is really better though, being so hot that you can't wear the adorable full body zip up fuzzy costumes or so cold that you need mittens or risk your first fall cold? Just another instance of the grass being greener.

One thing I am very grateful for this year is that there will be a VERY long weekend around Halloween for both my kids and husband. We may have to tolerate the ridiculous heat 9 months out of the year but at least we get October 30th off from school and work all thanks to Nevada Day. This year the kids will get a long 5 day weekend to recover from their Halloween antics. It wont be a break for me because I will be the one sleeping with one eye open to guard the candy stash. If left unguarded they will slowly sneak off with it into their own secret stash that ends up being the cause of their sudden lack of appetite before dinner is even cooked or cause of their complaints about tummy aches. Let's hope our 4-year-old learned a lesson about sneaking too much candy after she experienced chocolate puke episodes. I doubt she did learn anything from it, which is why I get to become the candy warden.

Even with the craziness of Halloween, candy thieves, bake sales, fall festivals, catalog fundraisers. (does my 5th grader really need to sell Tupperware?) Autumn is still my favorite season. With the start of fall comes my favorite scent filling the stores, apples and cinnamon. These scents combined sends me into a baker's frenzy. Just one whiff and I want to bake cinnamon rolls, pies, turnovers, crumbles, baked apples and so much more. I could go on for hours about the baked goods that dance through my head with the slightest hint of these smells.

If you enjoy the cinnamon scent as much as I do you should try this simple way to fill your house with its wonderful aroma. With the cooler weather comes the use of home heating that in turn dries out the air, which can lead to many problems including dry skin, sinus problems, and much more. This simple air-freshener restores the humidity to the air while making your home smell wonderful.

Simmering Potpourri

Just add a tablespoon or more of ground cinnamon in a pan of simmering water and keep adding water as it boils away. Or use a small crock pot with the lid off.

Make sure not to let the mixture run dry.

Some variations include: 1 cup of apple cider or orange juice added to the water, and ground cloves instead of or in addition to the ground cinnamon and even adding a sliced apple.

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