Thursday, May 30, 2013

Going on a Book Adventure

Where has the site been all my life?  Ok, ok.. I actually lived before there was Internet, home computers and push button phones.  ::creepy music plays::

When I tell my kids this they look at me like I grew up in a cave.  It's a look that's a mixture of horror, pity and morbid curiosity.  What happened when I wanted to know the answer to something. I had to go to a library or our trusty volumes of Encyclopedia's.  Paper cuts and all.

I had plans to use Book Adventure for our summer reading enrichment. Then to my great surprise their virtual school, NVVA, decided to use this program too and offer incentives as well. Mom wins!!

I hope you have a Book Adventure this summer as well. Foster a love for reading. Let your kids see you read often and they will discover their own love for it.  (Monkey See, Monkey Do) Unplug and unwind with a good book.

I finally cracked the code when it came to my oldest and a love for reading.  I just had to find the right book.  What book, you ask, was it that finally sparked her flame?  War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells.  I have a Sci-Fi nut on my hands.   It started as a school lesson meant to be spread out over 2 weeks.  She finished the entire unit and book in 3-4 days.  I convinced her recently to give Tuck Everlasting a try.  The rate she is reading this book she will be done quickly as well.

Do you have a favorite book from your early teens?  It would be hard to pick just one for me, but the Dragonriders of Pern series would be at the top.

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