Monday, December 19, 2011

To the stinky guy

Good hygiene is not just for the birds...  When riding the bus or any other form of public transit for the sake of those around you.. bathe before begining your trip.  I do not refer to a whore bath as actual bathing. Perfume rather than soap and water

Too much perfume or cologne is almost as bad if not worse than smelling like a sack full of dirty butts. There are those with asthma that can't tolerate perfumes and your over use will send them into a asthmatic attack.  Your right to smell "good" does not override my right to breathe.

If a person can walk over 5 ft away from you and smell whatever is eminating off your person, your odor is too strong.  I promise that you will not melt in water or start sprouting creepy green versions of yourself.

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