Tuesday, November 13, 2012

30 Days of Thankful (Day 13)

My 30 Days of Thankful

Day 13

I am thankful that when my husband's scooter broke down this weekend it was not the entire clutch burning out like he sourly thought. Instead of this much more expensive repair, I am grateful that it was only the drive belt.  It is our sole transportation for him to and from work. (other than bicycles)  Yes, you read that right.. We do NOT own a car.  It is one of the luxuries we gave up so that I could be a stay at home mom to our kids full time.

It has not been easy.  There has been a few incidences where my family has given us a ride in emergencies.  Like Nadia's head injury thanks to her two older rougher big sisters.  I could have called an ambulance and thanks to our awesome insurance gotten her a free ride to the hospital but it was not that kind of emergency.

There are also less drastic situations like when my family celebrates Thanksgiving out at my sister's house out in the middle of no where.  I would gladly stay home and cook but in the past they bullied until I let someone drive us all out there.  This year we are staying home.  ::excited::

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