Thursday, November 15, 2012

30 Days of Thankful (Day15)

My 30 Days of Thankful

Day 15

I am Thankful for the support of my husband in my decision to cloth diaper.  Even though it took until we had baby #5 to finally make the switch it's better late than never.  We have now been cloth diapering for a full year.   I thank cloth diapers for Maxx being interested in potty training so much earlier than the mothering horror stories let on about boys.  He is almost fully potty trained. Just need to get him over needing to be naked non stop.. Naked = no accidents.. throw a pair of pants on him and it's a soggy mess.  One small victory at a time.

Cloth diapering does take a little more work. More of the dreaded laundry to do.  The bonuses far out weigh the negatives.  No more midnight runs to the store.  Just start your diaper laundry sooner.  Sure there have been a few times I didn't realize we were out of diapers until it was too late.  ::panic::  My boys were more than happy to run around naked (thank you easily cleaned tile floors)

The huge break on our pocket book has been the biggest blessing.  That one winning point is what had my husband wishing we had done this sooner.  Gone are the days of spending $60-$80 a month on diaper.  I invested that in my entire stash. (Thank you for a local cloth diaper co-op getting me great deals on diapers)

Yes, it is messy to deal with poo, but with diaper sprayers and a good diaper pail set up it can be made a lot easier.  Did you know that you are supposed to dump the poo from a disposable diaper too?  Read your packaging.. that was a surprise to me.

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