Saturday, November 26, 2011

Shop Small Saturday

With all the craziness of Black Friday finished with at all the big store it's time for Shop Small Saturday.  What's that you ask?  It's when you the consumer choose to purchase from you local small businesses.

Some of my Favorite Small Businesses are:
Utopian Scents For All you Scentsy needs buy from me to keep this mom a SAHM.
Lynn & Lola For Leggings and adorable Diaper covers.
Monster Fluff Diapers She makes the most adorable Cloth diapers and even makes customs.
Bella Lilah Creations For bows, crochet hats and tutu's.
Elisa's Scrumptious Treats For all the delicious and adorable chocolate treats.
Havenwood Goodies For delicious homemade sweet breads, pepper jellies and marmalades.

Remember today to Shop Small and support small businesses. If they are local to you or across the country, small businesses fuel the economy and invigorate communities.  Do your part! If thousands of us make small purchases, it will make a big difference to all.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Eat, Drink and Be Thankful!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Remember to take time today to remember what you are thankful for.  Show someone how much you appreciate them.  Share what you are thankful for with those in your life.  I am thankful for my family.

Fun Fact:  Did you know that Thanksgiving was usually celebrated in September or October?  In1941, Congress set the date as the fourth Thursday in November and made it a national holiday

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

World Diabetes Day

Today is World Diabetes Day.

Take the time today to get yourself screened for diabetes.  Did you know that over 177 million people world wide have Diabetes and over half don't even know they have it...  You can go to here to ~> and take the American Diabetes Association's online screening test. Just 10 short questions to know your risk.

I have family members that have Diabetes. (doesn't everyone?)  Both my parents have type 2 (my mom controls hers through diet and my dad uses insulin shots as well as pills)   Type 2 Diabetes is when your body is resistant to the insulin your body makes. Most type 2 Diabetes is caused by obesity but can occur in thin people usually elderly.  Some type 2 Diabetics no longer need medications once they become more active and lose weight.

Type 1 Diabetes is a different animal.  It can occur at any age, but is usually detected in young adult to small child.  In a type 1 Diabetic their pancreas either produces too little or no insulin at all for their body.  The exact cause of type 1 Diabetes is unknown.  My brother in law is a type 1 Diabetic. I can't imagine what childhood would have been like without all the wonderful sweet treats. Whole holidays would be drastically different, so many everyday things I take for granted.

To learn what you can do to make a difference. Go visit Stop Diabetes and join the fight for a cure for Diabetes.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ditching the Dead Weight

Now that my adorable little man is 6 weeks old, I have finally been cleared to workout again.  I can finally get back into shape.  Yes, I know round is a shape.  Just not the one I want to be.  Five pregnancies were not nice to my body.  As well as the non stop eating that I gave in to.  I am at the heaviest I have ever been and it doesn't feel good to me.  I want to feel attractive again. No matter how much my husband tells me he would find me attractive no matter my weight still doesn't make me want to toss in the towel.  i want to feel sexy in my skin.

My starting weight is 197 pounds. Yes, I just announced my weight on the internet. What am I thinking?! I have a long way to go to get to my goal weight of 135 pounds. I am starting out slow with Wii Fit plus workouts to build strength.  I am aiming to start the 30 day shred next week.

Adding exercise is not the only changes I plan to make. I am cutting back on sugar. (not out just down)  No snacking after 9 pm and upping my water intake. No crazy pills or teas for me I am breastfeeding my son.  which burns an average 500 calories a day Just healthy eating and exercise.

Even with the holidays quickly approaching I will not allow a weightloss sabotage.  I will stay strong and get thin. not scary thin but a lot less fluffy

Those goal jeans are still sitting in my closet and I will get them on again.

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