Friday, December 13, 2013

Free Romance E-book Dec 13-14 only!

Where She Belongs by Lisa Vandiver
Available December 13-14 for FREE by this delightful Author.
I was blessed to get to know this author through the Deadly Reads facebook page and website; Thanks to the wonderful month long event getting to know their authors as well as winning free books.  I myself have managed to win 3 times answering trivia.  (I'm trying to share it here as I am feeling guilty for winning so much already)  Join the fun at Deadly Reads Facebook page.   With new authors every week this month the fun times keep coming.

In the mean time curl up with a good book.  Even better this one is FREE. (my favorite 4 letter word)
Hurry now don't miss out!

Justina must choose between the love of two men.  With secrets that could destroy her as they are revealed, would she find Where She Belongs?  
Who would choose the dangerously sexy son of the Mafia kingpin Nick or the infuriatingly arrogant Mathew?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Great Northern Popcorn Company Giveaway

This giveaway by Great Northern Popcorn is easy to enter.
With just a few clicks you could be a winner.  
This giveaway ends midnight (12/5)  Enter Here  
No purchase is necessary and shipping is FREE!
Keep checking Great Northern Popcorn's facebook page
For more chances to win this Hot Air Popper as well as other prizes. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Super Scentsy Sale!

4 days of AMAZING savings!  Don't miss this sale! 

Only a few more hours to go til the sale goes live. In my head I can hear that old Black Friday Commercial.  "Open, Open, Open!"  Just because I'm an Independent Scentsy Consultant doesn't mean I don't want these products at the super low prices. It means I'm so much of an addict that I can't miss this sale.  I love sharing Scentsy with those around me and this will help me share more.  Things like this beautiful Blizzard warmer or my favorite Bring Back my Bars scent Key Lime Pie or my daughter's favorite Scentsy Buddy Scratch the Cat.
Visit my site to browse or buy~>Scentsy Super Closeout Sale 

Finish your shopping list early this year.  Scentsy has a deliciously scented product for everyone.  

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Celebrating 15 years of Marriage

Our Wedding Day
I remember looking at him that morning and thinking that I could never love this man more than I did as I looked into his eyes at that moment.  I stood there gazing into his eyes silently praying my bitchy soon to be Monster in Law would not interrupt the ceremony.  (shockingly she didn't interrupt but she did show up halfway through our vows.) We have been through so much together as a couple through the years and even when things threatened to tear us apart, we became closer in the end. I look back now and am astonished at just how much more deeply in love we are. 

Best advice I can give to any couple is Communicate.  Speak up when you are upset, don't let it fester inside. When angry don't say hurtful things and always say your sorry. Don't talk bad about your spouse to anyone, it doesn't make you feel better to vent.  It just reinforces the negative feeling.  Be their cheerleader, crow their good deeds and accomplishments.   Declare your love for each other often and express it even more.  You are now a part of a whole.  Treat them as the other half that makes you whole.  Continue to always date each other even if it ends up being a bag of popcorn and a shared movie in bed after the kids go to sleep.  Never leave the getting to know you phase.  You will both be growing and changing through the years. I know I am not the same person he started dating almost 18 years ago.  
Senior Prom
Junior Prom

Looking at our pictures here I swear his face has changed more than mine. My change has all been in hair color. I now sport a super awesome racing stripe of silver grey near my temple. I'm slowly starting to look like some comic book villain or leader of a secret group of super hereoes. 

It was at my Junior Prom that he proposed to me for the first time.  They had stupid little fake wedding ceremonies going on at prom. (I don't know why.. Vegas I guess)  Standing there laughing with my friends about how stupid the fake ceremony is and how it is our teachers doing these cheese fest ceremonies.  When Dan gets down on one knee and asks me to marry him.  Instantly I feel like everyone is watching us.  I blush deeply and tell him, "Yes, yes let's go get in the stupid line get off the ground."

I am blessed to say that my husband is my best friend.   He's my Addiction too.  It's really not my fault.  It's his fault because he's mostly amazing.  I say mostly because he can sing, dance, really good sense of humor, and has great looking into his 30's (no grey hair yet.. the lucky bastard) He is no paragon he has his annoying habits as well; like shedding clothing like Bruce Almighty (they stay where they fall) or hair from shaving is always left as evidence that he actually did shave.  

I'm no angel either. I'm sure I annoy the crap out of him some of the time. (okay a lot of the time, but he says I'm worth it) I'm so grateful this man fell so deep in love with me.  He says the moment he met me it was like time stopped and everything else faded away.
We rarely go out, with 5 kids can you really blame us?  Instead we spend our time together playing Final Fantasy 11.  I joke that he only had me start playing because he needed a healer.   This way sure is a lot cheaper of a date night than to get a babysitter, movie tickets and have to be around annoying people coughing /sneezing.  ::throws a gummy bear::
My idea of a great date night is take-out in bed with netflix/video games.  Dessert of chocolate fondue and a late night of laughing.  It works for us, it may not work for you. Find what fills your cup as a couple.   Do more of that. Be open to trying something they like, you never know.. you could enjoy it as well.
Gunnerace and Lunarine on Leviathan server FFXI

Monday, October 28, 2013

Food Facts ~ Pumpkins


Did you know that a pumpkin is technically a fruit but is often referred to as a vegetable in cooking?

Speaking of cooking pumpkins. The pumpkin traditionally used in pie is the Sugar pumpkin or cheese pumpkin. It has a stronger pumpkin flavor as well as less grainy texture making it perfect for pies and puree.  If you really can't find anything but jack o lantern pumpkin to cook with, increase the sugar 25%.

The Early settlers learned from the Native Americans to use the abundant pumpkins in cooking.  In efforts to make the pumpkin a tastier treat, Colonists used to slice off the pumpkin top; removing any seeds and then filled with milk, spices and honey.  After being baked in the hot ashes of a fire, it is said this is the origins of the pumpkin to our dessert tables.

Pumpkin pie as we know it today was first introduced in it's pastry shell by the French Chef, Francoise Pierre la Varenne, in his cookbook that was first published in 1653.  The pie recipe eventually spread to American cookbooks in 1796.

To make you own Pumpkin Puree

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
Remove the stem and split the pumpkin in half lengthwise.
Scoop out all seeds and pulp.  Reserve seeds for making Toasted Pumpkin Seeds.
Lightly oil the pumpkin halves and a 1 inch deep baking pan.
Place pumpkins cut side down on pan. Bake for 30-45 minutes.
Pumpkin will easily spoon out of the shell when completely cooked. Run through a food processor blender or food mill.  It will store in your Refrigerator for 1 week and in your Freezer for 3 months.

Love the fresh baked Pumpkin scent?
I do. Thankfully Scentsy has some amazing scents to blend to make it smell like I have my own Pumpkin bake shop.  Mix and match to make your own recipes.  To order your scent blends visit my website  Utopian Scents @ Scentsy 

Sunday, October 27, 2013


 Swagbucks it's Internet Searching that Pays off!
Have you heard of Swagbucks?  It's the Internet Search that rewards you.
You earn rewards bucks searching the internet, answering surveys, playing games and much more.
I love getting the Amazon gift cards. They are great stocking stuffers.
I don't know about you, but I am searching things on the internet all the time.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

OraMD Review and Giveaway!!

I have always hated toothpaste. From the foaming types to the way too gritty, they all make me want to puke.  With a sensitive palate I can not stand the fake flavoring in many toothpastes and after having kids my toleration of certain textures has gone out the window.

Add the years of suffering with sensitive teeth from the time my adult teeth came in as a child to bleeding gums after having children, my mouth was not happy. I was recently offered to try something different. A liquid 3-in-1 toothpaste, mouthwash, and breath freshener with strong antibacterial properties.  With the leading cause of bad breath being bacteria I was willing to give this 100% pure and natural product a chance.  Thank you to Trusted Health Products for introducing me to this product.

I admit, I was skeptical what this little bottle could do for me.   The science couldn't be argued with though. OraMD reduces the bacteria that cause bad breath.  I started with just a few drops on my toothbrush, OraMD was nothing like the toothpaste/spackle experience I've grown to despise.  The taste is very strong the first use but with just a few uses I had gotten use to and actually started to like the strong minty taste.  Compared to my supposed long lasting toothpaste I didn't wake up in the next morning with nasty feeling teeth.  My mouth still felt cleaner.. as if less nastiness came back over night.  
After a week of use I no longer had tender bleeding gums.  I have been enjoying ice cream again as well.  I love OraMD.  I'm not just saying this because they gave it to me free to review. It is now part of my everyday routine and I no longer dread brushing my teeth.    

If you would like to try this product and are not one of the 3 lucky winners of this generous giveaway you still have a chance!  The manufacturer is willing to offer my readers one FREE bottle. They would love to have my readers try out OraMD and agreed to send one bottle FREE if our readers would pay a minimal shipping and handling charge.  They also agreed to include 2 eye-opening reports called 1) “The 6 Hidden Dangers In Toothpaste” and 2) “Why The FDA Requires A Warning Label On Your Toothpaste.”  
That’s a total value of over $40.00.  Click here to get your FREE bottle and FREE reports now.

Another bonus is when you like Trusted Health Products Facebook page you save $5 on your first order as well!

Good luck on the giveaway! I look forward to announcing the winners.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, August 23, 2013

A New School Year and a Honey Do list

With end of summer quickly approaching its time to prepare for the new school year.
Each year as our K12 virtual school supplies ship to our house I go through a moment of panic.  I never feel like I'm as organized as I would like to be.  Why is there a magnifying glass in the Lego box and a pair of princess shoes in our counting cubes?

I am in serious need of a school room over haul and I recently found a website with great FREE woodworking plans. Ana White Homemaker, I love this blog.  Hoping to get my husband to put all his nifty power tools to use.

I want to start with storage. I love the plans for this general storage bin bookshelf. Perfect for my toddlers and I'm sure the older kids would love one for themselves as well.  I am tired of the ugly blue storage containers we use right now. Sure their great when I pack toys away for rotation but not for everyday use.  There is also this much larger storage unit. Locker and Hutch for the Cube collection

Then there is this Brookstone desk project. The high shelves would be a hit with my older daughters so they can keep their treasures out of the hands of the destructive duo.  (A piggy bank that was a gift from a friend was broken recently.. we have two culprits and neither is informing on the other.)

Then for the arts and crafts table this table would be perfect!  Maybe then I could give my mom back her 6ft plastic folding table.  I have had it for over 2 years now, after borrowing it for a party at my house.  I should just buy her a new one.

For now I will settle for a heavy handed purge on toys. No, you do not need to keep a toy you got from some random fast food joint that in reality is only half the toy because you don't know where the rest of it is.  A few month ago I actually went through and took 3 huge storage tubs of toys away. You would think that would cut down on the mess.  Wish me luck! Time to crank up some music and take on the beast that has become our school/play room this summer.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tips for Future Kindergarten Parents

Every year children are sent off to school for the first time.  As a parent it can be exciting and stressful time.  I have been through the first day of kindergarten 3 times now.  It does get easier.  The better prepared you and your child are, the better this day will go.

Riding the bus to school. Yes, I let my child on her first day of kindergarten ride the bus to school her first day of school.  No, I did not follow the bus to school.
Make friends with the kids at your bus stop or in your neighborhood. Positively praise the other children as well as your own for positive behavior shown at the bus stop.  It makes them strive to be better.  Most older children would love the opportunity to mentor a younger child.

Visit the school before the first day of school. Most schools have a welcome open house before the actual first day of school.  It will not only help your child feel more secure on their first day of school, but you as well.

Communication is key.  It is extremely important to have good communication between your child's teacher and yourself.  Takes the time to talk to the teacher.  Ask what things you could be working on at home that will help you child to succeed.  Be a partner in education.

Even though we have moved on to virtual home school, all 3 of my school age children went to kindergarten in a standard public school.   I hope that your school district is better ran than my own. I pray that the teachers are not forced to attempt to teach to classes miserably over crowded. Good luck on your child's school journey.  This is the first step.  Foster their love for learning.  All kids are naturally curious, don't let a bad school/teacher experience take that from your child.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Crock pot Chicken Parmesan

This recipe is delicious and easy to make.  It is a big hit with everyone of all ages in our household.  Since you use your choice of spaghetti sauce it's easy to be an instant hit with your family too.

Crock Pot Chicken Parmesan

4-6 chicken breasts
2 eggs (well blended)
Bread crumbs
Italian seasoning
Granulated garlic
Parmesan cheese(fresh shred is best but the can stuff works in a pinch.)
Sliced mozzarella (soft buffalo is best)
Jar of your favorite spaghetti sauce.

Oil the bottom of crock pot.
In a large bowl mix breadcrumbs, Italian seasoning, granulated garlic, and Parmesan cheese.

Dip chicken in egg, coat well with bread crumb mixture.
Use a Wet Hand/Dry hand technique to keep hand from getting too messy. Keep one hand in each ingredient not crossing the wet hand into dry ingredients.  Once you place the chicken in the bread crumbs cover with bread crumbs and press.  It keeps both hands fairly clean.
Place each coated chicken breast in bottom of the crockpot.  (Lots of chicken for my huge family)

Add slices of mozzarella cheese to the top of each breast. (I love the fresh mozzarella, it holds the cheese in a layer and doesn't scorch)

Pour spaghetti sauce over the top coating everything. 

Cover and cook on high 3 hours or low 6. 

Cook pasta to be served with it. Remove chicken breasts from Crockpot and toss cooked pasta in the sauce and cheese mixture to coat well. 

There will be enough sauce to cover the pasta after you remove the chicken. Penne pasta is a favorite to serve with this meal in our house.

Sorry if the pictures aren't very pretty. I'm trying to work on improving my photography.  Plus this is too delicious to stop and get a picture of before eating.  (Took me 3 time cooking this before I finally got the pictures)

Monday, July 1, 2013

It's Bring Back my Bars time!

It's here!  It's really here!  Bring Back my Bars are finally here!

We only get one month to stock up on all these delicious scents that we have been missing — this selection of retired fragrances are only available as Scentsy Bars in the month of July of 2013 only. To place your Order today
In my house we are so happy to see the return of some of our old favorites.  Peligro was my husband's first favorite scent.  It was retired shortly after I joined Scentsy back in Feb of 2011.  
My Wish is one of my all time favorites.  This was surprising to me since I do not like fig at all.
My older daughters love Berry Tart and say it reminds them of baking pies.
Maxx loves all grapefruit scents so Grapefruit Pomegranate is on the "Gotta Have" list in our house.
There are so many more that were on "Love It and Gotta Have it" lists long before I knew about Scentsy, but I can't wait to try them all.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Find Your Local Parks and Recreation

With the weather heating up around the nation. (finally for some)  it's time to enjoy our parks.  To find what amenities your local parks have or a specific type of activity check here ~> 

I stumbled across this site while trying to find the nearest splash pad to my house.  I discovered we have many more parks in our local area than I originally believed (or what Google was telling me)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Dads make a difference

I hope all the many different types of Dads have a great Father's Day.

 It's not just biology that makes a Father, but the more you care for your baby the more you will actually want to.   Especially those first scary weeks; when women experience a burst of oxytocin following childbirth, men can too!  Being present in your child's life makes a huge difference not just in your life, but your child's as well.

I wanted to share this article I recently found about how Dads are more important than Mom in some cases.

It doesn't take staying married to the mother of your child to be a good father.  Just remember that you are their co-parent.  Divorce and separation are always harder on the children, as they didn't choose this situation or have any control over it at all.

Thank you to my wonderful husband.  For always doing whatever it took to take care of your family even at the cost of your pride and ego.  Thank you for standing with me when others tried to pry us apart by any means.  I love the wonderful kids I am raising with you.  I will be proud the day our sons grow into amazing men just like their father.

Happy Father's Day 
to the 
Super Hero in our House.  

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Time for a Baby Shower!

Today I get to go to my niece's baby shower.  
I made her a fruit salad.

Took me about an hour and half from start to finish.  Would have gone faster if I hadn't misplaced my specialty tools in one of our moves over the last 15 years. Only the crinkle cut on the honeydew and cantaloupe were done by a crinkle tool. The edging on the watermelon I did by hand.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Going on a Book Adventure

Where has the site been all my life?  Ok, ok.. I actually lived before there was Internet, home computers and push button phones.  ::creepy music plays::

When I tell my kids this they look at me like I grew up in a cave.  It's a look that's a mixture of horror, pity and morbid curiosity.  What happened when I wanted to know the answer to something. I had to go to a library or our trusty volumes of Encyclopedia's.  Paper cuts and all.

I had plans to use Book Adventure for our summer reading enrichment. Then to my great surprise their virtual school, NVVA, decided to use this program too and offer incentives as well. Mom wins!!

I hope you have a Book Adventure this summer as well. Foster a love for reading. Let your kids see you read often and they will discover their own love for it.  (Monkey See, Monkey Do) Unplug and unwind with a good book.

I finally cracked the code when it came to my oldest and a love for reading.  I just had to find the right book.  What book, you ask, was it that finally sparked her flame?  War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells.  I have a Sci-Fi nut on my hands.   It started as a school lesson meant to be spread out over 2 weeks.  She finished the entire unit and book in 3-4 days.  I convinced her recently to give Tuck Everlasting a try.  The rate she is reading this book she will be done quickly as well.

Do you have a favorite book from your early teens?  It would be hard to pick just one for me, but the Dragonriders of Pern series would be at the top.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Homemade Waffle, Shortcake, Biscuit Mix Recipe,164,151188-248197,00.html

This waffle recipe is a kid approved recipe. It was a huge hit with all 5 of my kids.  We added a dash of cinnamon to the waffle mix.  I'm sure once I stock up on this mix. (in my deep freezer) The kids will tire of waffles but then I can make biscuits!  Mom wins!!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Extra Life

Did you know that last year Extra Life raised over $2 Million for the Children's Miracle Network? This year they hope they can do more, but they need your help.

I am a Mom and a Gamer.  Although I could not physically stay up the 25 hours playing video games.  I can support this worthy fundraiser by donating and sharing this cause widely.

One of my good gamer friends is leading team Charlie Foxtrot this year.  Be a Hero and donate today or join a team. We need you to do your part however small and make a difference to those fighting big battles.

Donations are tax deductible and ALL proceeds go to help the kids. for more info
The official game day isn't until November 2nd, 2013.  I know that is still a long time til game day, but it means more time to spread the news and get support.

You can Join Team Charlie Foxtrot or
Donate to help them achieve their goal.

Every little bit adds up.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day 2013

I'm going to be very honest. Motherhood is not all rainbows and butterflies.  No, I did not enjoy every moment.  There are those times that shine through and over power all the less than stellar times.   Like when your child says,"I love you" for the first time.   That wonderful rush you get pushes the memories of walking into their bedroom at 6AM to them completely covered in poo from head to toe as well as the bed and wall.

Motherhood has brought me some of the most wonderful moments of my life. It has also brought me some of the most disgusting experiences of my life as well.  I had managed to make it until motherhood without ever getting pee, poo or puke of another human on me.  Within weeks of the birth of my oldest I was already desensitized to the feel of it hitting my bare skin.  Only when pregnant again can I not handle a puking person.

I hope that as you read this I am sitting in my bed surrounded by blankets and pillows being served breakfast in bed.  Some delicious Belgian waffles( from my new waffle maker I got from my parents for Mother's Day) topped with strawberries and whipped topping.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Slow Cook Easy Shredded Pork

This recipe was deliciously easy. I cannot believe I didn't make this years ago.

This recipe is also the first time I was able to use my brand new beautiful Cusinart Multicooker.
My Lovely Multi Cooker
My wonderful husband bought be this beautiful appliance after our last crock pot finally gave up after years of heavy use.  Instead of getting me just a new crock pot  I got this beauty. You can turn it to slow cook on high for 5 hours. Don't show up in time to get it off high?  The machine kicks in to warming mode instead.  Saving dinner from scorching!

1 (2 pound) pork roast
1 can Root Beer

Seriously that's it.  I don't add BBQ sauce to this list like other recipes do as this shredded pork is for more than just BBQ sandwiches.  (Pork Tamales... yes, please)

Place your pork roast into the crock pot and add the root beer.

Adding the Rootbeer

Then let cook on low for 6 hours. Then drain away the juices.
Countdown to cooked

Shred meat and either toss with BBQ and add between a bun or save for other delicious shredded pork meals.

Ready for the sauce and bun

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mom's of More

A mom of more is a mom that has more kid's than most people would be comfortable having.
When you already have 4 kids the comments you get when pregnant with the 5th are rarely congratulatory.  They range from "Wow, already?!"  to "Don't you know how to close your legs?"

I try not to take offense at these, but it can be difficult.  People act like that since we have both 3 girls and a boy we should be done "breeding".  I grew up in a large family and enjoyed the chaos and merriment of the holidays.  It was great to be able to have a ready made playmate or choice of playmates.

My replies have become more snarky to these people as we have had more kids as well.  I tried being nice.. nice ended 2 kids ago.

  • "Yes, I know how babies are made and we enjoy doing it."  
  • When confronted by a very rude older Mexican woman, I told her,"We are just doing our part to keep Caucasians from becoming a minority." (Not sure how I kept a straight face for that one.)
  • Or my husband's favorite: "We keep trying to make an ugly one, just can't get it right... So, how did you do it?"  

I'm tired of being treated like I haven't been married for almost 15 years to the same man.  All my children have 1 father and I enjoy spending time with them all.  I'm not saying every waking moment if full of rainbows and sparkles.  They are little stubborn people.. They take after mom in temperament.
In fact our family made the choice to virtually home school our children after our local public school district fail time and again.  One school actually told me I would not be allowed to volunteer in my own child's class.. I'm here to help my child's teacher so they can provide a better education to my child and her classmates.  Maybe it's a little selfish but I'm vested in my own child's future.  Why should she not benefit from my volunteer time?

A survey recently released stated that moms of 3 stress more than moms of two. Maybe it's just the straw that broke this camel but baby #3 is when I had Postpartum Depression.  That could also be linked to the IUD birth control I tried shortly.  I stress a lot less now with 5 kids than I ever did with 2.  With 2 they tag teamed me, or one would stand as lookout for the other.  Our oldest was always lookout as her younger sister was the better climber. (we kept cookies on top of the fridge)  With 5 children I now have older helpers that jump at the chance to learn to make dinner or do some other "adult" chore.

With your oldest you try to schedule everything, and stress about every single fever or sniffle.  With your second you learn that fevers happen as well as something scary called febrile seizures. (also normal)  With your third you know more than you did with your oldest and it scares the crap out of you.  Everything that fits through a toilet paper tube is a deadly choking hazard just waiting to ensnare your helpless toddler. (thanks to that one episode when I had to do the Heimlich maneuver on my own kid while very pregnant and home alone.)  The more kids you have you learn to pick your battles. Battles lines go from evryone in matching outfits to clean and appropriate for public. You learn that everything is scary.  There is nothing you can do about most of it, but you can prepare for the possibilities.  It's my job to prepare and protect them til they day I am forced to release them into the world to take on their own battles. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Bicycle, bicycle where should we go?
Anywhere, Anywhere we could roll.
With all the beautiful weather in the Las Vegas valley lately, we have had many opportunities to take bike rides together. We love our new bike seat.  It makes it so that Maxx is able to go for rides with Daddy very often.  It does leave his little brother very jealous of his big boy bike seat, since he is stuck riding in the awesome and spacious bike trailer.   

Friday, April 5, 2013

Replace Damaged Disney Movies

Did you know that Disney has a DVD replacement program?  Are your kids on a mission of destruction?  Mine are surprise durability testers.  Leave anything unsecured (high shelves don't work) and it just may end up being put to a very brutal test. 
Why haven't I heard of this program through Disney before.  
Replacement Program 

There is a small fee involved, but it is a lot better than buying the movie again, if it hasn't returned to the vault already.
Why didn't I know this years ago?  With 5 kids they destroy DVDs like it's a hobby.  No, I do not like the sound they make when you rub them on every available surface you can find... Including or tiled walls.

I wonder if there are other similar replacement programs for discs.  

Free E-Reader books

Since my parents gave me a Kindle Fire I have found myself reading more in my free time. I have gone almost a full week without television. To be honest I watch all my TV shows over the weekend when I stay up late cuddling with wonderful husband.
Being a fast reader I go through books constantly.   I once thought I didn't have the time to read anymore once I had my children. Not true. I just didn't have time to look for the last page I was reading every.. single.. time.. I go to pick the book up because my kids "helpfully" moved the bookmark.. or worse.. destroyed or desecrated the book in some way.

I have yet to pay for a book to read for my kindle. With Amazon's Top 100 free books list you can always find something to add to your e-reader library.

I have even joined an E-reader book club on Facebook.  We choose a book once a month and after reading it, we get to discuss it.  It has made me step out of my usual reading choices.
It may not be face to face interaction but it is some intellectual mommy time.

Of course, you can converse with me about anything other than bodily functions and I'm a happy camper.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pi Day

Hurray it's Pi Day!  Ok Ok... it's not the pie I was hoping for, but I can wish.
Find ways to make today a fun with your kids. Fun with Math on Pi day.

As if we need a reason for pie, for me Pi day is another reason to make this sweet flakey treat.  (even if it's the Math Pi we are celebrating.)

My favorite pie to bake from scratch is apple pie.

Best tip I have when making apple pie. Simmer apples in seasonings, lemon juice and sugar. It will prevent a gap from forming between the fruit and the crust when juices are cooked out of the apples.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Bring Back my Bars Jan 2013

Bring Back My Bars 

Available Jan1st - 31st 2013

These 20 spectacular scents recieved millions of votes.  Many of these old favorites were in the catalog of current scents long before I was part of the wonderful Scentsy Family.  Discontinued but not forgetten these 20 sensational scents are back for a limited time.  Buy your scents from me and help this Mom continue to stay at home. Visit my Independent Scentsy Family Consultant website. 

Berry Blush Scentsy Bar

Carrot Cake Scentsy Bar


Sweet and golden
ripe bananas.

Spring & Summer 2007


Tart and tropical with berry,
sweet peach nectar and guava.

Spring & Summer 2011


Irresistibly sweet, nutty,
warm and spicy.
Bakery 2006
Cherry Almond Pie Scentsy BarCoconut Palm Scentsy BarCoffee Tree Scentsy Bar


Graham crackers, sweet almond,
cream and cherries.
Bakery 2007

A unique and tropical blend
of coconut and patchouli.

Spring & Summer 2010

Bold and sophisticated.
The aroma of freshly roasted
coffee beans.
Fall & Winter 2008
Falling Leaves Scentsy Bar
Inner Peace Scentsy BarJust Peachy, Ginger! Scentsy Bar


Earthy scent that features clove,
cinnamon and patchouli.

Spring/Summer 2009


A calming scent with earthy wood notes,
lemon groves and cypress.
Spa 2011


Mouthwatering peaches, apricots,
nectarines and ginger

Bakery 2010
Maple Butter Scentsy BarPima Cotton Scentsy Bar


A calming blend of chamomile and lavender.
Spring/Summer 2009


The sweet and buttery scent of maple.
Scent of the Month 2012


The light and clean smell of cotton,
lilies, freesia and jasmine.
Fall/Winter 2011
Root Beer Float Scentsy Bar
Spiced Grapefruit Scentsy Bar


Scentsy Bar
Old fashioned root beer
and creamy vanilla ice cream.
Fall/Winter 2007


Scentsy Bar
Mandarin and bergamot citrus perfectly
balanced with spicy coriander,
nutmeg, and allspice.
Fall & Winter 2010 


Scentsy Bar
Fresh picked herbs with sandalwood.

Fall/Winter 2006

Spiced Orange Harvest Scentsy Bar


Strong, sweet oranges spiced
with cloves and cinnamon.

Spring/Summer 2009


Tropical scent of freshly shaved coconut
with notes of sweet pear.

Spring/Summer 2008


Sweet and juicy black berries.
Spring & Summer 2005
Twilight Scentsy BarYou Go, Girl Scentsy Bar


Sophisticated and fresh scent with florals
and infused with ocean air.

Fall/Winter 2010


A girlish fragrance that features apples,
berries, muguet, and linden blossoms.

Romance 2011

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