Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lingering sickness

This has been a miserable two weeks for me.  It started with outbreak monkeys coming back from Outbreakland with their own special illness.  It didn't take long er for it to circle the house.  The kids all got over their colds within 2-3 days.  My husband claims to still have his cold. ::eyeroll::  Don't get me wrong.. I love him but when you can take medicine and don't... then whine about not feeling good, I could spork you in the eye...  I am still currently breastfeeding with no plans to stop anytime soon, so my options on medicine are greatly limited.

It's no surprise(to me) that my illness progressed beyond the nasty sounding cough into full blown Sinusitis, with loss of taste, smell and even hearing.  I was ok with this.. until the earache made me wish to trade the cold for unmedicated child birth of a porcupine.  After a night of less than 2 hours of sleep total I was beyond angry at the world.  When you find yourself visualizing donkey kicking your sleeping spouse out of bed because they are sleeping peacefully, time to get yourself to doctor.

I can't be sick.. who will do the virtual schooling.  Not my husband.. he is still acting like he's dying ::fake cough::  This has been the one HUGE drawback to homeschool.  When I get sick there is no shipping them off to school as I lay around in my pj's and nap on and off til they get home. (as if that is possible with the destructive duo anyway)

I have been begging for a nap for the last week.  As I type this my husband lays napping ::holds spork menacingly::  Another annoyance is he smokes... You lose all privledges to whine about a cough when you smoke... sorry but you do that to yourself jackass.  I have no sympathy for smokers.. sorry I didn't marry him as a smoker and hate that he became one.  Feels like a bait and switch.. bastard.

So for those men out there.. SUCK IT UP!  Don't expect better care when you are sick than you give when you spouse is sick.  Thinking about buying tissues when you go to the store for yourself isn't the same as actually buying her tissues.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Make it about family

Eat dinner with your children.
Eating dinner together as a family gives your children a chance to connect with you in both your busy lives.  Tired of getting one word answers when you ask how their day was?  Try asking a new question.  Instead ask what the Worst and Best moments of the day were.  Think about your own day, it wasn't all bad but it wasn't all great either.  It's much easier to come up with a best and worst moment.
You may discover things about your children you never knew.  A love of all things in the stars or a true dislike of playing softball.  They may not thank you for getting to know them but it will make their life more fulfilling.   One day they will appreciate you for you.. it may take them growing up and having kid's of their own, but it will happen.

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