Monday, June 4, 2012

A Kindle is on my Wishlist

I always known I loved books, I just never realized how much of a voracious reader I am.  In our most recent move I had over 400 books that were just mine.  This wouldn't be a problem if I could re-read them again. Once I have read a book it is hard for me to pick it back up and not remember the entire plot.  ::sigh:: Some days I forget what an oven is called but I can still remember the entire plot to over 400 books.  Selective memory.  I don't need to remember what an oven is called to use it every day.

My mom recently let me borrow her Kindle to read the Hunger Games Trilogy. (I finished all 3 on Mother's Day)  After I was finished reading it myself, I started the books over and read them with my husband.  It became our time together everyday to reconnect and talk.  It works this way:  I read the book, he listens and then we discuss it together.  This is not the first book we have done this with, but it has been a long time since we have read together.  We didn't notice how much we missed doing this until we started it up again and missed a day or two of reading.

While reading the trilogy with my husband I read other books as well.  In the almost 3 weeks I have had the Kindle I have read at least 34 books.(these are just the ones I have downloaded to my Mom's Kindle)  Most days I am reading more than one book at a time.  Between the two I read for my own personal enjoyment, the one I read with my husband and the current chapter book I am reading with my older kids; I am usually reading around 4-6 books a day.

Morgan is just like me.  She loves to read.  In fact, she has one of the highest Accelerated Reading scores in her school. (they get points for reading books.. where was this when I was in school?) She recently complained that she rarely gets time to read on the Kindle.  I use it as a reward not only for myself but for the older girls when household chores get done.  (one of many rewards they get to choose from; computer time, movies, kindle, crafts and more)  I pointedly asked Morgan how many books she reads in a month.  She held up her slim chapter novel (less than 200 pages) and defiantly said I am almost done with this book, I started it only this morning.  I couldn't hold in my chuckle when she asked me how many books I read.  I let them guess, none got even close.  When I told them how many, Morgan doubted I read them and I told her the plot when she named off different titles.

Where do I get all my books from?  I don't pay for them that's for sure!  Amazon has a list of top 100 books.  They also have a list of top 100 FREE books.  This is not all the free books just the top one hundred.  My search for free books started at Pixel of Ink and snowballed from there.  After almost giving my dad a heart attack when he saw the HUGE amount of books I downloaded. lol Sorry Dad. I let quickly reassured my parents they were all free. I don't need to pay for books when there are so many awesome books that are offered free all the time.  Check back on Amazon often, the free books change all the time.

Do you have a favorite E-reader?  I'm trying to save up for one of my own so I can stop harassing my parents with my constant emails of free book download notifications from Amazon. lol

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