Wednesday, August 4, 2010

World Breast Feeding Week Aug 1-7

Imagine yourself after a long day finally sitting down to enjoy your long-awaited meal. When suddenly someone walks up to you irate. They proceed to tell you that watching you eat is offensive and you need to place a blanket over your head to finish your meal.  Ridiculous right?  Many people do this very thing to children being fed by their mothers.

Why in our culture is ok to sell every item imaginable using a woman's body, but the image of a child nursing is horrifying? Breasts are used to sell everything from beer, perfume, hamburgers, and even to increase box office ticket sales.  Yet, as soon as a mother uses her breasts for their natural purpose of nurturing her child there are people practically frothing at the mouth with hatred.

Set aside your judgmental ways and applaud those women for nourishing their child in a way as old as time.  Stop trying to shame them into nursing in filthy restrooms.  Would you want to take your lunch in a public restroom?

In honor of World Breastfeeding week show a breast-feeding mother your support not censure.

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