Thursday, May 15, 2014

Zip Code Specific Gardening

Want to know when to plant your garden for your specific zip code?  Use SproutRobot!  If you are like me and live in an area with many micro climates, this is a great help.  I hope to be able to put this into more use.

Our compost is really starting to look great. The benefit of living in a hot climate, is it seems to break down faster.  The chickens go crazy every time I turn the compost.  I joke that they are begging to be let loose on the compost.  Sorry ladies, Las Vegas does not approve of chickens out of their coop/run.

Right now we only have 3 topsy turvy planters.  I found them on sale in the middle of winter for $2 each a few years ago.  We finally got them hung and filled this year.  Yes, I am guilty of being a procrastinator married to a procrastinator.  With 5 kids I feel like I spend much of my day in damage control. (3 glasses were broken by my kids this week alone)

Growing in our hanging planters are tomatoes, two kinds of peppers and strawberries.  Everything but one of our peppers has flowered. We have gotten a few strawberries that my kids instantly ate.  We have 1 huge pepper on one plant and nothing on the other.  Darn bugs attacked and destroyed the leaves faster than it grew them.  We may not get anything from it.  Our tomato plant has tons of little green tomatoes.  We are just waiting for them to redden up. Although some fried green tomatoes like my dad used to make sounds really good. Or the pickled green tomatoes from my mom. Is my lack of patience showing?  

I can't wait for the first taste of a sun warmed tomato.  They have a different scent and taste that for some reason makes me feel as if everything is right with the world at that moment.  Then another dish breaks and I'm back in the trenches of motherhood again.  Thank goodness for my Tomato Vine Scentsy scent. I bring that sun warmed vine smell into my house anytime I want.

Are you an urban gardener?  What is the one thing you love growing the most?

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