Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dear Teething Monster

Dear Teething Monster,
Go Away!  That's right, I'm done being nice about it.  I want my sweet little boy back.  Take all your baggage and hit the bricks.

We are done with the sleepless nights.  Maxx wakes up in the middle of the night and just cries and cries.  Nothing I do comforts him and that breaks my heart.  Sometimes it is so bad that he will even go on a nursing strike.  Which that in turn scares me because with breast feeding I am constantly wondering if he is getting enough to eat.  (it's the lack of confidence in your ability to breast that you don't hear about)

I am sick of the drippy nose.  It's constantly running to the point it must be in competition with his drooling.  It doesn't help that his intense hatred of the nose suction bulb turns Maxx into a rabid Tasmanian devil at just the sight of it.  He'll instantly start spinning and swiping at my hands as soon as he sees it coming.  It's become a two man job to wrestle him down to safely suction his nose without any mishaps of him knocking it out of his nose only to make it poke him in the eye.

Everyone is frustrated with the mood swings.  It's been like living with a little bi-polar cave person.  One minute he is happily playing the next he's tossing toys and yelling or even worse having a complete kiddie meltdown.

Drooling, ugh you can keep the non stop drooling. My poor little man has to endure multiple outfit changes a day due to the constant stream of drool from his face.  I've tried bibs, but when he spends the entire time screaming and trying to rip it off only managing to get angrier when he pulls himself over instead of tearing off the bib.

This is so much worse to deal with teething without our magical Hyland's Teething tablets.  OK, so they aren't really magic, but in this house they are pretty close.  I was depressed to find out about the recall.  It's not that they were unsafe or harming anyone they didn't have consistent amounts per pill when they were spot testing.  To keep quality control at a high level they did a voluntary self recall.  I received a coupon in the mail for $7 worth of their products.

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