Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Boys VS Girls

When I found out in my fourth pregnancy that I was having our first son I never thought there would be so many daily differences.

Sure I have to duck when changing a diaper or be able to beat the times of a Nascar pit team in changes.  There is the obvious differences in the plumbing.  My girls were never as interested in their nether regions as early as my son has been.  It's a nonstop wrestle to keep him from yanking his jewels off.  His most recent interest in showing them to everyone or just touching them.  He has already become an expert at arranging his clothing and diaper so that he can man-handle himself. I am missing when he was just obsessed with his belly button. (he would play with it so much that he actually left it glowing red)

The biggest difference is in day to day playtime.  Today I was standing at the sink washing vegetables when my son started his usual shouting to hear himself being loud. (boys are louder.. girls are just really high pitched)  I turn around and jump at him with a loud RAWR!  I thought it would have startled him at least a little. (I know.. mean mommy)  Instead of running away to peek at me from behind something like his sisters have in the past, he runs at me full charge with a little battle cry.  I was so startled by his reaction I didn't prepare myself for his onslaught.   He almost manages to knock me to the ground.  (If I hadn't been standing close to the sink it would have been Monster Maxx 1 Mommy 0)  He then laughs a huge belly laugh while pointing at the stunned look on my face.

There are also many things that are all to similar.  Maxx loves to break into dance at any music just like his sisters.  Their favorite song to dance to is actually the intro music to Strawberry Shortcake. Nadia requests me to play it again and again just to dance with Maxx.

What are some of the differences between your sons and daughters has caught you off guard the most?  

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