Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day the Aftermath

Yesterday I had the most relaxing and enjoyable Mother's Day in all the 12+ years of being a mommy.  I did not receive gold and jewels, because they would mean so little to me.  Instead I got a much needed day off from being mommy.

Instead of waking with Monster Maxx at 6am he actually slept until 8 am.  I would have slept in later like was my original plan, but being pregnant my bladder capacity is sad joke.   I woke before anyone else and snuck some quiet time catching up on emails and reading some of my favorite blogs.

For breakfast I didn't get the fantasy breakfast in bed.  Mostly my own fault since I am the early riser in the house.  Instead of lounging in bed trying to ignore the crumbs settling around me as I ate my breakfast that was thoroughly enjoyed because it was not something I had to cook myself for a change. My missed breakfast in bed reminded me of all the years I brought my parents breakfast in bed on these special days.

I spent the remainder of the day guiltily ignoring any and all standard mommy duties.  Watched movies from the comfort of my bed (yup a whole movie ALL the way through!), being brought ice cream and grilled cheese sandwiches and reading an entire book (my first in months).  My mother's day gift from my family was the gift of laziness.  I didn't change a single diaper, wash a  dish, or referee a single argument.   It was glorious!

Even with yesterday being the best mother's day to date.. The aftermath of that day spent lounging is beyond imaginable.  There was clothing scattered from bedrooms, down the stairs and into the couch cushions.  Toys were everywhere but in the actual toy bins and boxes. The remote for our DVR is no where to be found.  I still have not gotten up the nerve to check under the couches for the mess that awaits me there.  I think that was a piece of broccoli stuck to the TV screen.

I think for next year I will ask for a day off and no undeclared disaster zone left for me to clean on the day after mother's day.  Who am I kidding though?  This time next year we will have baby #5 in the house tearing things up as well. Two kids will be in diapers, a five year old that changes outfits more than any diva in concert and two teenage girls with hormones on full blast.  I will be glad to get a bath undisturbed and alone.

I hope all your mother's day were amazing, no matter if you are mother's of birth, adoption, fostering, step- moms or single dads who have to be both roles.  

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