Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Can't I get a Retake?

My new ID finally arrived in the mail today..  that's right in the mail. It seems they don't trust our DMV employees to actually hand us a card when we walk out anymore.  Not without merit it seems, only recently one of our local DMV workers was busted while selling Id's for $1700-$3000 to illegal immigrants.

I wonder what changes they are going to make now.  Already I was forced to walk around with a card that will not be accepted by anyone as proper identification (due to the hole punch they put into it when I went to renew it)  And a worthless piece of paper stating I am getting a new card in the mail (but does not count as identification.)  For the past two weeks I guess I have qualified as a non-human. I have just been a figment of my imagination.

Upon receiving my long awaited ID... (Yes, I said long awaited.. I'm impatient.. less than 10 minutes at the DMV and still had to wait two weeks to get the card.  I'd rather go back to waiting at the DMV for hours and walk out with my proof of identification.) One peek at the card and I shrieked in horror.  Am I really going to have to walk around showing this to people for the next 4 years?
Let me just say.. they should have at least warned me I looked like the walking dead on camera.  I could have sworn I looked better when I walked into the DMV. I honestly think it was just being at the DMV that sucked the life out of me.

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