Saturday, May 14, 2011

I've got an Addiction

I'm actually going to admit it. I have an addiction.  It's overwhelming me to the point that it's all I think about throughout most my day.  I've been told it's unhealthy but that doesn't change anything.  I just can't live without it.

What are you wondering is my horrible addiction to?

I am addicted to my husband.  I know kinda corny huh?  After 15 years of being together and almost 13 years of marriage I still can't wait to be around him.  I used to think I had it really bad when we were dating and I would pine just to hear him on the phone.  It's so much worse now that I actually get to have him in my day to day life. My day is spent in countdown until he gets home from work.

Don't get me wrong there are times when he drives me nuttier than squirrel poo.  The days I just want a shower alone, but I'm there it just feels so empty.  I feel guilty taking a nap before he leaves for work because I know just how much I will miss him when he does leave.

I've been told my my Monster in Law that this is unhealthy.  ::rolls eyes:: That we should not be each other's best friend.  That we need interests that don't include each other.  (yeah.. relationship advice from a twice divorcee)  ::rolls eyes::  We do have interests that do not include each other.  He watches some of his favorite shows that make me want to stab myself in the eye with a spork.  I read romance novels that he refers to as "your dirty books".  Is that not enough?

Over the years, (eons in today's society of marriage lifespans) we have learned to communicate our needs to each other.  "I need a nap or I may just run away and join the circus." Ok, so that one is only a recent addition since our 1 yr old only power naps and I am such a light sleeper that a mouse fart two houses down would wake me.  Just being able to say you need a hug is powerful.  The power of touch is amazing.

You can have your caffeine and tobacco addictions... I'm going to stick to my Danny addiction.

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